The Hamburg Area Arts Alliance was created to (a) support and showcase local artists and crafters and (b) stimulate awareness of the arts in our community.
The vision statement of the Hamburg Area Arts Alliance:
We envision a community that engages the arts, both visual and performing. There will be public art on display; street festivals and gatherings for artists, performers and the general public; galleries and other spaces for group and solo exhibitions and sales of artwork; and educational opportunities in the form of art classes and workshops, lectures and presentations. People of all ages and races will embrace the cultural and artistic movement transpiring in the area.
The Alliance was formed as a sub-committee of Our Town Foundation – Hamburg’s community revitalization corporation. There are currently more than 50 artist members; over 30 of them have their work on display and for sale in the Art & Craft Gallery of Hamburg, 320 State Street in Hamburg. Our membership consists of artists from Berks, Schuylkill and Lehigh Counties.
The Arts Alliance provides several opportunities through the year for artists to network with one another in addition to hosting numerous events in which member artists can display and sell their artwork. The Hamburg Area Arts Alliance recently presented Artdrenaline Summer Camp, a combination arts/sports camp, for grades kindergarten through sixth. Check out the fun by watching our YouTube video.
Public Art Initiative
The Hamburg Area Arts Alliance is also responsible for public artwork created within the community. In 2016, we commissioned Carrie Kingsbury, one of our members, to paint a mural depicting the history of Hamburg on the side of the building at 234 State Street, Hamburg. Since that time 3 additional murals have been created: painting of trains on the building of the Reading Railroad Heritage Museum at 500 South 3rd Street, Hamburg, creating a collage on the side of Hamburg Manufacturing, Inc., 221 South 4th Street, Hamburg, depicting the history of the foundry, including its beginning as Hamburg Plow Works and most recently a mural has been painted at the intersections of 4th and Pine Streets in downtown Hamburg visualizing what the intersection looked like, circa the 1800’s.

Mural depicting the history of Hamburg, PA
If you’re interested in learning more about the Hamburg Area Arts Alliance or the Art & Craft Gallery of Hamburg, please visit us at 320 State Street or call for more information: (610) 562-3106. Applications for membership for the Hamburg Area Arts Alliance are available using the links below. The gallery is open Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, and Saturday, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, closed Sunday.
Click Here for 2024 Artist Membership Information
Click Here for the 2024 Artist Co-op Agreement for The Gallery of Hamburg